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Podcast 20 May 2022

How to protect your trademark? | IP Masterclass Podcast

Is your trademark automatically protected if you register it? How you can act against trademark infringement, what you should do if you receive a summons and how you can ensure that trademark infringement comes to your attention, for example through social media and online marketplaces. Find out all about it in this podcast!

IP Masterclass Podcast

Patents, trademarks and designs - a tough subject? Definitely not! In our podcast episodes we invite experts to share about the intriguing world of intellectual property.

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Our podcast take no more than 30 minutes: the perfect pass time while you commute to or from work, home or anywhere. You can subscribe to our podcast via your favourite podcast app. NLO's podcasts are available in these podcast apps, among others: SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle Podcast &